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Let’s have a look on FLAIR-ERMS
FLAIR-Educational Resource Management System Software is a flawless management system which supports institutions for the cognitive and coherent development of education in all aspect. This software is developed by the experts in Clairvoyant software technologies with advanced features and functionalities. It’s been 16 years,the FLAIR-ERMS stood firmly in the field for the enhancement of education and has been developing the features according to current and future needs.
FLAIR-ERMS is developed to maintain the quality of education in schools, colleges, and universities across the world. The methodology used behind this software is outcome based education(OBE). This software supports Bloom’s Taxonomy and OBE Accreditation Requirements of Washington Accord/ABET. With FLAIR-ERMS OBE, the new Blooms Taxonomy Pyramid can be made dynamic with respect to the need of institution and is applicable to any programs.
Here is all about OBE (Outcome Based Education)
Outcome Based education (OBE) is a systematic approach to increase knowledge in a higher degree which magnifies skill development rather than accumulation of course credits. This methodology revamping the curriculum, examination and grading system to a better position.The primitive objective of OBE is to facilitate changes in learners, by developing skills, values and attitudes. OBE is mainly focus on final goal. Once the final goal is determined, the strategies and techniques to reach the destination has been developed gradually. By implementing OBE, a student should know what he/she should learn and be able to do by the end of the course.
Overall, OBE is defined as acomprehensive approach which emphasizes on students learning outcomes and organize and operate all the contents of educational process to achieve the desired outcome. It guarantees the graduates come out from a course have enough knowledge and proficiencies required for the outstanding performance in their niche. Clairvoyant software technologies pvt limited brought about FLAIR-ERMS OBE software to capable of data collection and management of all academic courses offered at an educational institution.
FLAIR-ERMS works on the basis of OBE, developed a new Blooms Taxonomy period for fulfilling the requirements of education criteria in universities flawlessly. It is illustrated below.
Blooms Taxonomy Period
In order to group educational outcomes into various tiers of difficulty or complexity, we use Blooms taxonomy. It consists of six levels and each level represent the cognitive skills of a student can develop. The levels are
FLAIR-ERMS is efficient in data collection and management of all the courses offered by the university and acts as an aid for accreditation. This tool reconstructs the entire education system whether it is curriculum, assessment or grading. The final destination of learning is defined by the successful learning pursuits of individual students. In addition, FLAIR is mobile friendly and can browse any time and tracking of academic performance helps students and parents to identify the particular area where improvements needed.
FLAIR-ERMS – OBE is worth enough to
- Preserve quality of education
- Satisfy the needs of curriculum
- Meet accreditation requirements
- Fulfill the demands of industry
- Enhance and evolve educational programs
- Ensure multitasking capabilities
It’s been found that mapping of outcomes is a herculean task for the employees in the institution. But with the help of FLAIR-ERMS all levels of outcome mapping became very easy. This tool completely changes the outlook faculties on workflows and tasks related to OBE
With FLAIR-ERMS in institution, tracking and mapping of outcomes is not an exhausting activity. It can accomplish with simple steps
- Program Outcome(PO)- course mapping
- Course Outcome(CO) –Program Outcome mapping
- Assessment-CO mapping
- Curriculum-CO mapping
- Questions –CO mapping
FLAIR-ERMS has a built in automated procedures and work flows, assignment tracking system, document management, reporting. It is efficient to organize and customize assessment criteria which are consistent and standardized. Moreover, managing the assignments and examinations from beginning to ending, storage of histories, keeping students’ profiles and due dates are safe in the hands of FLAIR-ERMS.
Creation of rubrics for assessments is user friendly and it can be configured and updated automatically in the system.
How does FLAIR-ERMS assessments maintain Excellence?
With FLAIR-ERMS institutions pave their way to excellence in organizing Assessments by
- Configurable Rubrics
- Easy notification to students
- Online and offline assessments
- Create unlimited assessment patterns
- Assessment mapping with Question Paper
With FLAIR Grading is a simple task
The reports after the assessments and assignments are verified and analyzed with other programs for improvement and the system notify the students and parents to drag their attention for improving the fields where the student seems to week. This tool guides them to take immediate actions for better performance. FLAIR-ERMS’s fortes in Grading are
- Absolute grading support
- Relative grading support
- Curve grading support
- Auto check threshold values
- Automatic report generation
- Attainment level in PO and CO
FLAIR-ERMS is an aid for Accreditation
One of the significant requirement for accreditation body is the association of blooms taxonomy and OBE, be it Washington accord, LIMA accord, Bologna process or NAAC etc. Any accreditation body like ABET, NBA, NAAC check multiple criteria before accreditation. The CQI or Continuous Quality Improvement process and the features in Flair-ERMS help easy evaluations with corrective Activity Request(CAR). CQI and CAR helps in streamlining the students’ performance and attain the targeted levels of achievement in a course or program
FLAIR-ERMS supports and Monitors
- PEO-PO mapping
- Complies with NBA, NAAC and ABET
- Continuous quality improvement or CQI tools
- Auto alerts and notifications to faculties and students at various stages
- Save time in data recording, anlysing, and reporting with a database and data backup system
- Platform to monitor students’ performance through live dash boards
- Continuous and instant tracking for each assessments
- Effective implementation of continuous quality improvement(CQI)
- Automatically generate CQI action-immediate CQI
- Automated monitoring of performance outcome
- Achievement student and cohort
- Program Educational outcomes(PEO) for the performance of alumni students
As the name indicates FLAIR-ERMS has comprehensive and thorough capability to perform well in the field of education resource management. The Clairvoyant team can unequivocally say that
“FLAIR-ERMS is a seamless solution to future universities”
Contact Us
Clairvoyant Software Technologies
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Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium Telephone Number+91 452 2643 903 Email ID